Spanish Grammar Guide

Nouns (e.g.: cosa, perro, amor, mesa, mujer, hombre, etc.)

In this section: Description, Questions, Exercises


Write el or la :


Write the correct definite article according to gender and number (el, la, los, las):

Mi padre está leyendo diario.
niño estudian en biblioteca.
Es por hambre que genre sufre.
Tenemos que mandar cartas a corte.
Me caen bien García porque siempre

Choose the correct article according to gender, number and specificity (un, uno, una, unas, el, los, la, las):

Me gustan animales porque son lindos.
Para mi mamá, vida es mejor en México que en otros países.
Necesito bolígrafo, diccionario, mochila y cuaderno para mi clase de español.
En la escuela, hay pizarra muy grande.
El profesor escribe en pizarra con tiza.
amor es algo muy bonito.
día, vamos a hablar español muy bien.
mapa se usa para ubicar países en mundo.
¿Por qué son tan bonitas chicas europeas?
computadora en oficina de compañía ahora no sirve.

Translate the following. Be sure to include the first word as well. Some nouns will have more than one correct answer:

a book
a house
my homework
a screen
a computer
a clock
my thoughts
the time
a year
the people
a way
a day
a man
a thing
a woman
a life
a child
the world
a school
un state
a family
a student
a group
a country
a problem
a hand
a part
a place
a case
a week
a company
a system
a program
a question
the work
the government
a number
a night
the point
the home
the water
a room
the mother
an area
the money
a story
a fact
a month
a right
a study
a book
an eye
a job
a word
a business
an issue
a side
a kind
a head
a house
a service
a friend
a father
the power
an hour
a game
a line
the end
a member
the law
a car
a city
a community
a name
the president
a team
a minute
an idea
a kid
the body
the information
the back
a parent
a face
the others
a level
the office
a door
the health
a person
the art
the war
a party
a result
a change
the morning
la reason
the research
a girl
a guy
a moment
the teacher
the force
an education

Tags: determiners anglicism masculine feminine singular plural
In this section: Description, Questions, Exercises

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