Spanish Grammar Guide

Reflexive/Pronominal Verbs (e.g.: yo me acuesto.)

In this section: Description, Questions, Exercises


Questions about Pronominal Verbs

Q: Why is it yo me acuerdo and NOT yo acuerdo?

R: Acordarse is a reflexive verb, while recordar is not.

Q: Why is it tú te bañas and NOT tú se bañas?

R: Remember that the reflexive pronoun (te) must agree with (i.e. refer to the same person as) the subject of the verb ().

Q: Why is it ellos se lavan las manos and NOT ellos llavan sus manos?

R: With body parts, use a pronominal verb, such as lavarse. Note also that you should use a determiner, las, rather than a possessive, sus.

Q: Why is it yo me enojo and NOT yo enojo to say "I get angry"?

R: The verb enojarse is reflexive and so must appear with a reflexive pronoun that agrees with the subject. Enojar and other reflexive verbs can be used non-refelxively if they appear with an object, e.g.: Yo enojo a mi hermano. ("I make my brother angry.") 

Q: Why is it Me arrepiento de haber ido ahí and NOT Arrepiento de haber ido ahí?

R: This is simply one of those verbs that is always reflexive and so it has to be used with a reflexive pronoun.

Tags: infinitives auxiiaries pronouns order of pronouns
In this section: Description, Questions, Exercises

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